I’m so glad you’re here. Together, we will tune in and be inspired by the voice of your soul.

REMEMBER that YOU are divine

Hi, I’m Ana!

My passions lie at the intersection of (self)-trust, connection, and community. I am constantly evolving and devoted to learning how to fully embody all aspects of myself.

A manifesting generator in Human Design, I consider myself a woman of many talents, and incorporate different modalities and life experiences into my work.

I am trained as a Therapeutic Yoga teacher, Yoga Nidra Facilitator, Level 3 Reiki Therapist in the Usui tradition, and a Professional Chef.

I am a native of the Dominican Republic and have called many places home. Much of my training and work experience has sprung from the cultural centers of Chicago and San Francisco.

I am grateful to now be rooted in Louisville, Kentucky, building community and remembering and deepening my innate connection to our non-human kin.

My approach to working with others is centered around holding a safe and sacred space so clients may untangle whatever knots are preventing them from listening to their innate wisdom. 

I believe that all internal practices trickle down to those around us through interactions, relationships, and community. The more devoted we are to our healing and transformation, the more change we can affect in the world at large. 

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you in your journey to reconnect with yourself!

I love moving my body and recognize the importance of movement in releasing held patterns of energy. I also believe that most of us are moving faster than our bodies truly want us to, and can benefit greatly from intentional rest and slowing down.

My favorite practices to share are Breathwork, Yoga Nidra, and Reiki as they bring us into stillness. In that pause, we allow ourselves to go truly inward, where we can remember and fully listen to the voice of our soul.
For me, cooking is the utmost co-creating experience we can engage in with source and spirit, and as such, one of my deepest spiritual practices. My values are reflected in how I connect with food and sharing my food with others is my deepest act of love.

Certifications & Credentials


  • Tune in to your inner voice and ask what session you are most called one, that's the one for you! If you're still unsure, this is how I use these practices in my own path:

    When looking for relaxation and rest, I lean into Reiki and Yoga Nidra.

    When I need support in my daily life towards cultivating more rest and healing, I lean into Yoga Nidra.

    When I'm looking for insights and transformation, I use tools from the spiritual connection journey.