Yoga Nidra.

Deeply connect to your truest self through deep guided relaxation.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between sleeping and wakefulness.

It is the liminal space in which you feel deeply connected to your truest self.

We attain this state through the practice of Yoga Nidra, a deep guided relaxation that consists of a series of cues that will direct your attention to different parts of your body, the experience of felt sensations, and visualization practices.                                                 

  • Explore

    In a one-on-one session, we will explore patterns of tension that may be preventing you from attaining the healing and transformation you desire.

  • Appreciate

    By bringing awareness to these patterns, you can rewire, resolve, and release them.

  • Connect

    Through my intuitive guidance and the information you share in your intake form, I will create a personalized script for your session to guide you deep into yourself.

  • Relax

    Yoga Nidra allows you to feel centered, calm, and ready to continue your journey with courage and intention.